Information Practices and Digital Cultures

Information Practices and Digital Cultures

Questions about knowledge, information, and reading are increasingly prominent in public debate, partly due to the digital transformations of recent decades. The research group Information Practices and Digital Cultures at SSLIS, the Swedish School of Library and Information Science, focuses on the social study of information in contemporary society. Members of the group engage with a wide range of theoretical and methodological approaches from the social sciences and humanities, such as practice theory, discourse analysis, sociomateriality, critical perspectives on reading and design, document studies, or sociocultural theory. Currently ongoing work includes research on school librarians, changing reading and learning practices, library work in the climate crisis, corporate algorithms in environmental meaning-making, credibility assessment in refused knowledge communities, and the challenges that datafication, synthetic media, and AI entail for media and information literacy, among others. 

The research group holds regular meetings to discuss current issues, work on texts, and develop projects. Through publications in Sweden and internationally, members contribute to research in information studies and beyond. They participate in public debate and contribute commentary and analyses to both national and international media, and they also contribute to advancements in professional fields within their areas of expertise.


Ongoing projects

Concluded projects

Researchers/University employees