9 January
The doctoral student Katarina Lindström will give notification of the date of her upcoming doctoral thesis defence in a “spikning” event, or the posting of a doctoral thesis, which is a traditional event in ...
Jump to main content9 January
The doctoral student Katarina Lindström will give notification of the date of her upcoming doctoral thesis defence in a “spikning” event, or the posting of a doctoral thesis, which is a traditional event in ...
10 January
The doctoral student Naeimeh Vali will give notification of the date of her upcoming doctoral thesis defence in a “spikning” event, or the posting of a doctoral thesis, which is a traditional event in Swedish ...
25 January
Experience our unique environments on site – go on a guided tour, mingle with students and teachers, and listen to a panel discussion. In addition, we will fill our premises with textile and fashion-related ...
30 January
Welcome to Katarina Lindström Ramamoorthy's public defence of thesis within Textile Material Technology with the title: Mechanical Recycling of Textiles / Identifying Factors Impacting Fibre Quality Link ...
31 January
You are welcome to take part when Naeimeh Vali defends her doctoral thesis within Resource Recovery with the title: Engineering Biochar from Municipal Sewage Sludge- Experimental and Theoretical Study Link to the doctoral ...
21 February
Welcome to the public defense by Anna-Maria Petisme. Her doctoral thesis in Business Administration is titled "Conformity and Contradictions - Exploring Return Management and Sustainability in Fashion E-Retail ...
21 March
Welcome to this lunch seminar on Textile Fiber Development at Rise! Dr. Tobias Köhnke will give a talk on his research and his current investigations with the title of "Textile Fiber Development at Rise’". Within ...