The SSLIS Seminar |Re-thinking Digital Welfare through Comics and Image Description (Barbara Nino Carreras)

Welcome to this SSLIS seminar, where Barbara Nino Carreras (Postdoc, Technical University of Denmark) presents her research.

Carreras will present her research findings from her PhD dissertation studying the digitalization of public services in Denmark (2024). The presentation will center her use of collaborative comics and image description as an ethnographic method to build alliances with research participants and to analyze marginalized experiences of access and disability in the digital welfare state. Carreras will outline digital accessibility practices that are valuable in the study and dissemination of research findings concerned with diversity, inclusion, and equity in welfare provision.

LinksSOS project ( Barbara Nino CarrerasNarrating Digital Access, Trauma, and Disability Through Comics and Image Description in Denmark: Medical Anthropology: Vol 42 , No 8 - Get Access (

Accessibility Statement: the presentation will include automated captions and image descriptions provided by Barbara.

Language: English  

Chair: Sofia Lindström Sol
