Canvas now the university’s primary learning platform

After intensive work in 2020, Canvas was implemented at beginning of the term in 2021 and the first students were welcomed to start using the new learning platform. By autumn, Canvas alone will be used, as Ping Pong will have been phased out.

“It has been an intense year for everyone involved, but now we are approaching the end and it is with great pleasure that we who have been involved can say that things have gone significantly better than we hoped,” says Hanna Markusson, Director of the Academic Affairs Office.

“Questions remain around functions and integrations, but the foundation has been laid and using Canvas is everyday life for very many students and teachers.”

In the spring, project management will conduct a pair of university-wide meeting with both teachers and managers to get a holistic view of the state of affairs.

“We also hope that these meetings can provide us with necessary feedback. In terms of student perspectives and experiences, we are in touch with the Student Union, which is also represented in the project organisation.”

“On 30 September, Ping Pong will be discontinued, and 1 October we are transitioning to formal management of Canvas as the sole learning platform. We are now working to develop the administration organisation as well as a administration plan,” said Hanna Markusson.

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During the spring there are several training opportunities for Canvas.

University-wide meeting

The project management of Canvas is inviting employees to: University-wide meeting for teachers:

Thursday, 28 April, at 15:00-16:00