Major work underway to make the website accessible

"We have been working to fix problems with accessibility on the website. To support this work, we have used the web analysis tool called SiteImprove, which regularly scans our webpages and, among other things, lets us know if there are any issues in terms of accessibility. This can mean links that are incorrectly formulated, incorrectly set up heading structures on webpages, as well as adaptations of the code that builds up the framework for the website."

Why is this important?

"As a public authority, we must comply with the EU Web Accessibility Directive. Accessibility is an important part of the work of the web editorial staff and we always set requirements for it in new and further development."

Digital accessibility means that digital solutions are designed so that they can be used by as many people as possible regardless of functional ability. Functional ability can vary and this can be due to a disability, but other factors can also have an impact, such as stress and your situation.

About 20 percent of the population has some form of functional variation, such as impaired vision or mobility. These users have no choice; sometimes they have to use a public website, for example. For them, good accessibility can be absolutely crucial to being able to take part in information or accomplish a task. In addition, a high degree of digital accessibility benefits all users. What is necessary for some users is often useful and useful for others, as well.

"The fact that digital public services are accessible is something all users can benefit from. Accessible websites are often better for all audiences; they are usually both faster and easier to use."

What are your challenges in this work?

"Unfortunately, we have had a code base with remnants from previous code, which meant that we have had some shortcomings in accessibility.

Additionally, there are a lot of editorial errors that needed to be fixed.
After we received a report from the Swedish Agency for Digital Government (DIGG), which has conducted an overall review of the accessibility of, this became a catalyst for us to intensify our accessibility work so we can end up at a level where we can work with specific measures for new errors/shortcomings in our daily work in a completely different way."

Everyone who publishes on the website has responsibilities

"It is not uncommon that staff members think that it is we as web specialists who are responsible for the accessibility of our website, but this is not the case. We are very familiar with the legal requirements, but those who publish material on the website are responsible for ensuring that it is accessible."

How far have you come?

"We have come a long way now and eliminated all code errors and editorial errors at a particular level, based on a certain determined standard. This means that we can now work in a structured way on a day-to-day basis to ensure that our website is accessible and meets the requirements."

When is the work to adapt the website for accessibility expected to be completed?

"Accessibility work is never finished, but is something we, and everyone else, need to consider at all times in our work."

How does accessibility adaptation affect visitors and editors on the university's website?

"As a visitor, this means that you have greater opportunities to make good use of the content on our website, regardless of whether you have a disability, external circumstances that affect your way of accessing the website, or not.

As an editor, we may contact you to alert you if we have seen a problem that is recurring so that it will be easier for you to correct this in the future. You may also find that one of us (Ida or Suss) made a minor adjustment in a webpage of, for example, heading levels or other things in order for the page to be correct in terms of accessibility."

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Read more about web accessibility