Day of inspiration about the development of teaching and learning in higher education

Linda Borglund, Director of the Unit for Development and Research in Higher Education (or HUF for its Swedish name, “Enheten för högskolepedagogisk utveckling och forskning"), said “HUF, together with EduTech, wants to create an arena where we can meet across academic and departmental boundaries in order to continue developing the university's educational activities together. We also want to show what we do and what support and activities we and other parts of the university offer to our colleagues.“

There will be presentations, including by the winner of the Pedagogical Prize, Kamran Rousta, who will talk about his experiences of teaching and students’ learning, and some of the participants from the basic course in higher education pedagogy will talk about their development projects. We will also get to hear more about a highly topical subject: how we educate critical thinkers. And EduTech will present ongoing initiatives.

The day will also include a mini-exhibition with the opportunity to learn about developments from EduTech, media production, information and communications technology in pedagogy, Canvas, as well as information from those providing teaching and language support at the University Library.

This event is aimed at teachers and other staff working in the field of pedagogical development.

“We hope that this will be a rewarding day with many interesting aspects of educational development. And hopefully you'll be inspired to try something new," said Linda Borglund.