Exit 2024: The fashion show in pictures

The collections not only demonstrate the craftsmanship of the students, but they also reflect on issues such as child labour, rigid gender roles, and the relationship between the body and space. In their creations, the students explore, among other things, innovative pattern construction using only consumer waste, if garments can also function as carrying devices, such as pockets and bags, as well as garments that can be transformed for the urban nomad. The collections are also created from different materials such as hair, latex, and hand-pleated fabric – woven from paper yarn, as well as different techniques such as laser-cut garments and knitted sculptures.

“If you want to talk about a common thread, it is the desire for change and to challenge different stereotypes,” said Clemens Thornquist, Professor of Fashion Design at the Swedish School of Textiles, to the newspaper Borås Tidning.

The 17 students who created the collections are now graduating from the Bachelor's and Master's programmes in Fashion Design at the Swedish School of Textiles at the University of Borås. After the summer, the collections will go out into the world, the first stop being fashion week in Copenhagen in August.

Scholarship holders in design

During the graduation festivities, scholarships were also awarded to design students. The following student works received awards from companies and organisations:

HM Group

Hugo Ehret
Sofie Kruse Demitz Helin
Hedda Lundström 


Ellen Lagerstrom

Gina Tricot

Sofie Kruse Demitz Helin

Cast hall

Rosa Lützen


Pia Erdt


Rosa Lützen

Iris Co ltd

Adrianne Philip Möri

Swedish Consulate in New York

Josefin Davis
Hedda Lundström
Boukje Kemper
Marije Dijkstra 

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