Research collaboration in Resource Recovery with a college in China

“I learned lots about resource recovery and biochemical engineering for elemental sulfur from flue gases through multi-enzymatic based approaches, and academic publication aspects. Subsequently, we applied for a Sweden-China and India bilateral funding program to strengthen our collaboration and published some important articles from the results of the Marie Curie programme.“

He shared his impressions about the current visit.

"I have met peer researchers and visited the labs within Resource Recovery as well as Textile and Fashion and discussed potential areas of collaboration including the Department of Resource Recovery and Building Technology, bioprocess and energy engineering, construction technology, and textiles. We have discussed various collaboration opportunities around research projects focusing on the transition from faculty and student academic exchange of findings to industrial application."

"I have also delivered lectures to master's students and doctoral students in Resource Recovery about “How to Properly Write: A High-Quality Scientific Research Paper”, research methodologies, academic publishing, the peer review process, and my own research on “Engineered Biochar: A Sustainable Multifunctional Material for Energy and Environment”, and design biotechnological strategies for converting biowaste and by-products into energy or other carbon-based products. We have also discussed similarities and differences in employing PhD candidates in China compared to Sweden."

After Mukesh Kumar Awasthi, along with the researchers at the hosting university, has identified areas of mutual collaboration, the goal is to draft a comprehensive collaboration agreement and continue developing partnerships and writing joint bilateral and EU funding applications for various projects.