University’s quality assurance systems approved with reservations

“This is proof that we have a high-quality culture. Our quality assurance systems reflect the merit of all our employees, both in developing them but above all in adhering to and applying the systems,” said Mats Tinnsten, Vice-Chancellor, University of Borås.

The quality assurance systems for research and education have each been assessed according to eight criteria. UKÄ's assessment team writes that our work with the quality assurance systems for education and research “essentially works well and that the institution shows a clear commitment to quality assurance work at all levels.”

Congratulations to all employees!

However, two out of eight assessment criteria need to be developed further, according to the assessment team. This applies to the assessment areas Established order and quality culture and Continuous monitoring.

“It is important to remember that our work with our quality assurance systems is not something that can be checked off: it is a continuous process. We will always continue to tweak and change them to support the research and education we do. The UKÄ review is further proof that we have the necessary administrative infrastructure in place,” said Mats Tinnsten.

“A lot of great work has and is being done by all employees at the University of Borås and I really want to pay tribute to all employees. Fantastic job everyone!”

Assessment criteria and judgment

Quality assurance system for research

  • Established order and quality culture: Not fulfilled
  • Continuous monitoring:  Not fulfilled
  • Periodic reviews: Fulfilled
  • Research development and innovation: Fulfilled
  • Support activities and research infrastructure: Fulfilled
  • Skills provision, professional development, and career support: Fulfilled
  • Gender equality: Fulfilled
  • Good research practice Fulfilled

Quality assurance system for education

  • Established order and quality culture: Not fulfilled
  • Continuous monitoring: Not fulfilled
  • Periodic reviews: Fulfilled
  • Establishment and closure: Fulfilled
  • Student support, learning resources and infrastructure: Fulfilled
  • Skills supply and professional development: Fulfilled
  • Links between research and education: Fulfilled
  • Student-centred learning: Fulfilled

About UKÄ's review
The review focuses on whether the university’s quality assurance work contributes systematically and appropriately to ensuring and developing the quality of education and research. The University of Borås must be able to show how we approach our quality assurance work and apply our quality assurance systems in a well-functioning way, and that in practice we change things that do not work in the way they were intended.

Read more

Opinion of the assessment team: Review of quality assurance work regarding research at the University of Borås 

Opinion of the assessment team: Review of quality assurance work regarding education at the University of Borås

Quality Assurance Work at the University of Borås