For External Expert Reviewers

Documents for your assessment

Your assessment in promotion matters should be based on the submitted application documents in relation to our Appointments Procedure, and in recruitment matters, also the requirements profile for the position in question.

For docent qualifications, the assessment should be based on the submitted application documents in relation to our Rules for Acceptance of Unpaid Docent.

Application documents and requirements profile

At the University of Borås, we use the recruitment tool ReachMee (RM) for recruitment, promotion and docent qualification matters. You will be granted access to the relevant application documents, and requirements profile in recruitment matters, in RM upon your acceptance of the expert assignment and formal approval as an expert. HR will email you the login details. Below, you will find a quick reference guide for RM and a link to log in.

Your review

Write your expert review in accordance with the Guidelines for Reviewers. The statement should be signed and sent to Remember not to send the review from a private email address.

Any publications from the applicant that were not electronically attached should be returned to HR at the University of Borås.


Please send the documentation for fee payment to

If you reside in Sweden

Please use the form 'Sakkunnigarvode'. You do not need to sign anything. To have the fee paid into your bank account, you must first register your account with Danske Bank. More information and a registration link for Danske Bank can be found on the form.

If you reside abroad

Please use the form 'External expert'. If you reside abroad and work/perform assignments in Sweden, you are subject to special income tax on the income (SINK tax in Swedish). The processing by the Swedish Tax Agency may delay the payment. Therefore, we recommend that you send us the following documents as soon as possible. The highlighted fields on the SINK form must be filled in, while the other fields should only be completed if they are relevant to you.

Please note that The Swedish Tax Agency automatically sends out a letter in Swedish requiring you to appear for identity verification. This letter is sent for a variety of matters, even though it only concerns a few. You can disregard this, and your case will be processed according to standard procedures regardless of whether you visit them or not. Your fee will be paid as soon as we have received the Swedish Tax Agency's decision on special income tax for persons residing abroad

Compensation levels

The fee for the expert assignment depends on the type of position in question and the number of applicants to be assessed.

Do you have questions about your External Expert Reviewer assignment?
Please contact Irma Lina Molnar, Human Resources Officer.
Phone number: +46 (0)33-435 4584