International strategic partner

A Memorandum of Understanding has been signed by both universities with the purpose of developing scientific and pedagogical cooperation within areas of mutual interest. The hope is that the cooperation will lead to staff and student exchange and that the universities can work together to develop their research and educational programmes.

Brief facts about the University of the Highlands and Islands
The University of the Highlands and Islands is Scotland's youngest and a very different university. The University, based in the Highlands and Islands of northern Scotland, is a partnership of 13 independent colleges and research institutions, and provides access to study at further and higher education level as well as research opportunities.



An international collaboration project within the EU has been approved for the institutions of higher learning the University of Borås, the University of the Highlands and Islands, the University of Szeged in Hungary, the University of Alcalá de Henares in Spain, and the company Digital Connextions Limited in Scotland. The project "Innovative, free, on and off line access modules to study master's courses in Europe" (AToM) is a project within ERASMUS+ Strategic Partnerships and will run for three years from 1 September 2016 to 31 August 2019. The University of Borås is the project coordinator and one of the start-up meetings was held at the University of Borås in September. The goal of the project is to develop educational modules for Master's studies.


A delegation from the University of Borås visited the University of the Highlands and Islands for discussions on more concrete areas of collaboration to do with educational programme and research cooperation within patient safety in prehospital care and care in sparsely populated areas. Another area of collaboration is shared publications in an open access journal with focus on university instruction development and research, Journal of Perspectives in Applied Academic Practice, JPAAP. Plans are made for a future application for a common EU project.

2014 (October)

Gary Campbell, Dean of Learning and Teaching at the University of the Highlands and Islands visited the University of Borås to discuss university instruction development.

2014 (June)

A delegation from the University of Borås visited the University of the Highlands and Islands. Since then, a new Vice-Chancellor, Professor Clive Mulholland, had been appointed and a new Memorandum of Understanding was signed by the two Vice-Chancellors to confirm the previous agreements. The purpose of the visit was to discuss how to deepen the cooperation in the future. Blended learning and research strategies were two of the questions that were discussed during the visit.


The University of the Highlands and Islands visited the University of Borås to learn more about the university. A Memorandum of Understanding was signed.


The University of Borås contacted the University of the Highlands and Islands to learn more about blended learning and online learning.