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of Design


PhD Textile and Fashion Design

180 credits, Full time 100%, Borås

The doctoral education in Textiles and Fashion Design is focused on deepening the understanding of the interaction between analysis and synthesis in the design process, theoretically as well as practically, as a basis for developing design methodology, design technology, and design programmes, which requires a practice-based approach; for design, through design.

The development of methodology, programme, and techniques requires a critical, experimental, artistic work. An in-depth understanding of the expressiveness of materials, techniques, and intended use also requires experimental, artistic work.

The education is focused on artistic design research in the field of textile and fashion, with the opportunity to further specialise in the following:

  • Textile design; to develop, specialise and critically highlight the artistic foundation for design as a business and craft, with a focus on the expressiveness of textile materials and techniques as in building up and expressing textile products and environments.
  • Fashion design; to develop, specialise and critically highlight the artistic foundation for design as a business and craft, with a focus on the expressiveness of garments as in dressing and expressing people.
  • Textile interaction design; to develop, specialise, and critically highlight the artistic foundation for design as a business and craft, with a focus on the expressiveness of the use of textiles as in defining and expressing textile products and environments.

DirectorDelia Dumitrescu, professor

Director of studies
Eva Gustafsson, Docent

General syllabus for Design, dnr 303-15, version 2015/05/20 (pdf)

General syllabus for Design, dnr 303-15, version 2018/01/24 (pdf)

Documented artistic research project

Published doctoral theses
Radiant Textiles: Designing electromagnetic textile systems 
Erin Lewis, 2023

Redesign Foundations
Anna Lidström, 2023

Form-defining systems of reverse crafting
Karin Peterson, 2022

Designing for Changeability in Textiles
Riikka Talman, 2022

Body Movement as Material: Designing Temporal Expressions
Linnea Bågander, 2021

Zero Waste Systems Thinking: Multimorphic Textile-Forms
Holly McQuillan, 2021

Around Over Between Up...: Spatial properties as variables in textile design
Tonje Kristensen Johnstone, 2020

Wearing Sound: Foundations of Sonic Design
Vidmina Stasiulyte, 2020

On the Textility of Smell in Spatial Design
Jyoti Kapur, 2020

On Textile Farming: Living Indoors
Svenja Keune, 2019

Acts of Seeing: Seeing as a Methodological Tool in Fashion Design
Stefanie Malmgren De Oliveira, 2018

On Textile Printing with Thermochromic Inks
Marjan Kooroshnia, 2017

Dressing Wearing: Movement Directed by Dress - Dress Directed by Movement
Ulrik Martin Larsen, 2016

Body Acts Queer: Clothing as a Performative Challenge to Heteronormativity 
Maja Gunn, 2016

Kinetic Garment Construction: Remarks on the Foundations of Pattern Cutting 
Rickard Lindqvist, 2015

Textile Influence: Exploring the Relationship between Textiles and Products in the Design Process
Linnea Nilsson, 2015

The Myth of the Silhouette: On Form Thinking in Knitwear Design
Karin Landahl, 2015

Composing over Time, Temporal Patterns: In Textile Design 
Barbara Jansen, 2015

Existential Design: Revisiting the "Dark Side" of Design
Anne Britt Torkildsby, 2014

Relational Textiles: Surface Expressions in Space Design
Delia Dumitrescu, 2013

Exploring Textiles as Materials for Interaction Design
Anna Persson, 2013