Open Call: Fashioning_a_Dialogue Domestic Provocations: Creativity, a Provocateur of Care and Vice Versa

Conventionally seen to be the dividend of impersonal public locations of high academic, cultural, and professional practices, the elusive and lofty proceeds of creativity are not associated with the banality of domestic environment.  However the crisis of the Covid-19 pandemic has dramatically transformed the taken-for-granted perceptions and truth claims: Quarantined for months at home, many of us discovered the exclusionary elitism in adhering to enduring assumption—one which enabled the modernist colonial myths and capitalist autocracy to restrict the purview of creativity to select forms of productions/performances, learned and created only in exclusive institutions – when distractions of home quite unexpectedly facilitated in novel ways profound moments of contemplation and spurred inventive ideas and productive actions. 

In response to these dismal times, declared unsustainable by Chomsky and other thought leaders, we require caring environments and collaborative practices for the creative communities to flourish: “Domestic Provocations: Creativity, a Provocateur of Care and Vice Versa” aims to theorize creativity as a humane endeavor, conceptualized and performed with utmost ingenuity, responsibility, emotion, devotion, and care with an aspiration to enrich own and others’ lives. The practitioners willing to explore this aspect of creativity in their practice are requested to share their experience through the artful productions/projections/performances/epiphanies they believe are linked to, and, or, spurred by the caring aesthetics of the domestic space.  

Presented through transdisciplinary collaborations-- in conventional and non-conforming formats-- the practitioners are encouraged to experiment with unorthodox and alternate ways of conducting and sharing creative moments and modes of research, producing/making, practicing, and presenting. 

Possible formats (but not limited to): narratives, visuals (digital, physical), performance, presentation, audio, talk.

Deadline to apply:
March 30th, 2023.

Notifications of acceptance:
May 8th, 2023.

Curated and organized by:
Dr. Shabnam Syed Khan
Rohma Moid Khan
Faseeh Saleem

To apply please click here: Apply
Entries will be double-blind peer-reviewed and selected works may be used for event design collateral.

For Contact & Queries:

Communication and social media handling:
Laiba Aslam

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