From BA Textile Design to Internship at IKEA

Darja Nordberg graduated from the BA Textile Design programme in 2021, spending her final year exploring colour gradients in weaving by twisting yarns, experimenting with colour transitions and interactions. In March, she will start a five-month internship at IKEA's head office in Älmhult, where she will continue to work with textile projects and develop her skills.

What did the application process look like?

- All graduating students received information from our teachers that IKEA was looking for textile design interns starting this spring. We who wanted to apply then had to send in our portfolios to the teachers who jointly selected about seven students whose portfolios were forwarded to the company. IKEA then chose one of these. It feels really fun and exciting that they chose me!

What made you apply?

- I've always been interested in colour, material, and form in an interior context which is why it felt natural for me to apply. But also that it is IKEA, it felt like a really good place to develop, which will give me better preparations for future jobs.

What do you think contributed to you being one of those who received an internship?

- I think that I, in my portfolio, clearly show my strengths and what I am interested to work with. I think it's important to be yourself and show who you are in your portfolio. Then you will end up in the right place.

Do you know what you will do during your internship?

- I don't know exactly what I will do, but I know that I will be working with different textile projects.

What is your dream job?

- I think to be able to work with textiles, materials, and colour in a creative and developing way, preferably with a focus on spatiality. It is important to me that the work is stimulating and creative and that I can take part in developing an idea, from a sketch to a prototype or finished product. The practical part is also very important to me when developing designs. I think that one should work with physical materials as much as possible and not work with the whole design process digitally. There is something special about seeing, feeling and squeezing physical sketches.