Swedish Language Course

The course

Swedish Language and Culture is offered every semester. During the course, basic Swedish grammar and vocabulary linked to everyday life will be reviewed. The course also provides some orientation to Swedish social life and culture. Instruction is mainly conducted through lectures and workshops.

Swedish Language and Culture 7.5 ECTS (PDF) P1 and P1-2 (autumn) and P3 or P4 (spring) 

Application procedure

Limited availability.

Exchange students: the course is available as an optional course in the exchange student application. Late applications upon request only. Please check availability by emailing: internationalstudent@hb.se 
If there are more applicants than availability, the places will be selected by a lottery system.

Free movers apply after arrival to Sweden, in the online learning platform Canvas.

The applications will be handled on an ongoing basis.


Students who have been registered previous semesters cannot re-apply for the same course. They may, however, ask the course administrator at the course start if there is any availability for re-registration.

Tuition fees

No tuition fees apply.

For further information, please contact the International Office: internationalstudent@hb.se