
The earlier you start searching for accommodation, the more likely you are finding a suitable room or apartment. Please note that if you have not found a place to stay before your arrival, you should be prepared to spend some time in a hostel or other short-term accommodation before you find a permanent residence. If you do not have a place to stay, we strongly suggest you book your temporary accommodation before your arrival as it can be difficult to find somewhere to stay with short notice and on site.

All students are responsible for booking their own accommodation as well as following the rules of the letting agency/landlord and contacting the landlord when it comes to, for example, maintenance issues.

Please note that the university does not guarantee accommodation. It is your own responsibility to find a place to stay. If you have questions about how to find accommodation in Borås, you can always contact the International Office for some guidance at

Students coming with family

Student coming to Sweden with a partner can live together in most student apartments that have their own kitchenette and bathroom. However, student apartments are not suited for children and children are often not allowed to live in student housing. This means that it can be very difficult to find adequate housing for a family and the best option is to look at subletting an apartment. More housing options are available once students have acquired a Swedish social security number, which can only be obtained after arrival and if you are staying in Sweden for more than 12 months. Students planning to bring children are advised to arrive alone and bring their children once the accommodation already has been fully organised. The university does currently not have the possibility to help students with children find housing.