Courses for doctoral students

ReSource courses

  • Information disorders, datafied information infrastructures, and source criticism, was offered 4 April to 13 June 2024. 
  • Informational reading practices: historical and contemporary perspectives, will start  12 November 2024. For more information, please contact course coordinator Anna Lundh at 
  • Informational reading and source criticism as institutional and professional tasks, will be offered during the spring semester 2025
  • Analysing contemporary scholarly communication practices, will be offered during the autumn semester 2025

Local mandatory courses

Lund University

The mandatory courses offered at Lund University can be found at the Joint Faculties of Humanities and Theology third-cycle courses website

University of Borås

All courses offered at the University of Borås, including the mandatory courses offered by the Swedish School of Library and Information Science can be found in the course catalogue

Uppsala University

For information about the mandatory courses offered at Uppsala University, please contact Isto Huvila, Department of ALM, Uppsala University

Other relevant courses

Courses offered by the Centre for Digital Humanities at Uppsala University (CDHU)

Courses offered by the Centre for Digital Social Research at Umeå University are announced in the DIGSUM blog

Courses offered by DASH, the Swedish National Research School in Digital Humanities: Data, Culture, and Society - Critical Perspectives

Theories in Library and Information Science, 7.5 credits