Registration to Reading & Writing retreat

The Reading & Writing Retreat has been made possible through the support of the Swedish Library Association and is open to all LIS doctoral students in Sweden. However, due to budget constraints, we have had to limit the number of participants to 20 this year. So please register ASAP, first come, first served.

The last day to register is 20 September.

Registration for Reading & Writing retreat

Required fields are marked with an asterisk (*).

I would like a tour of Gripsholm castle 24 October *
I will arrive on 23 October *

Processing of personal data

We need your consent to process the information you provide about yourself in the form. We use your personal information for the purpose of conducting the event, to keep in touch with you and to contact you with information if the need arise. The information will be processed by those responsible for the events and the partners with whom the events are carried out and will be erased after the event has been completed.

Read more about how the University of Borås processes your data and what rights you have.