Textile Management

Textile Management studies phenomena that, in a wider sense, could be linked to one or several parts of the textile value chain. Subjects such as management, logistics, marketing, and consumer behaviour may form the theoretical starting points for studies of social and environmental sustainability, material and product development, and entrepreneurship in the textile field.

Characteristic for a Degree of Doctor of Arts or a Degree of Licentiate of Arts in Textile Management is in-depth knowledge in management, marketing, and organisational issues actualised by society’s demand for sustainability, and the increasingly more advanced material development that promotes innovations and creates an increased use of textile materials. The Doctor or Licentiate has developed an approach to the textile value chain that is sustainable in a longer perspective, both from an environmental and from a social point of view.

Area representative:
Nawar Kadi, Professor

Director of Studies:
Gabriella Wulff, Senior Lecturer

General syllabus for Textile Management