Field study

Field studies are either a compulsory course or an option to complete as a complement to your educational programme. They are a great way to apply your knowledge and to reflect on the relationship between research and practice.

Are you interested in a field study with the Digital Business Lab?
Contact Marianne Louwerse: or call +46 (0)701-89 99 55.

Important to keep in mind!

  1. Make a short presentation. List which of the lab's resources you want to use for data collection and explain how these resources are linked to your purpose.
  2. Make an appointment with the lab to pitch your idea. Digital Business Lab resources are limited and the decision whether you can use these resources is based on availability, your explanation of the link between purpose and method, and the approval of your supervisor or programme coordinator.
  3. Attend meetings with the Digital Business Lab at agreed upon times. Digital meetings are held in exceptional cases.

During a field study, you are responsible for

  • communication with both companies (and possibly supervisors) and the Digital Business Lab throughout the project.
  • booking the resources you will use early in the field study process so that they are available when you need them.
  • all communication with other persons to be involved in the data collection process, such as company representatives and/or consumers and respondents.

As a Digital Business Lab field student, we expect you to work independently. The Digital Business Lab can provide technical support and guidance during the field study period.

Examples of field studies 

Example 1: Experiments with eye tracking

In a field study with eye tracking, you carry out an eye tracking experiment with associated analysis and recommendations. You can review the case database on the Digital Business Lab website for inspiration. 

Example 2: Creating events

A field study could be the development of an event or experience, for example: The Digital Business Lab participated in... You create the event, present the programme and content, and contribute updated content to the Showroom. Finally, you evaluate the event, exhibition, and display.

Example 3: Shop windows

A field study could involve developing the Digital Business Lab's shop window, developing a theme for the window displays, contacting companies and/or researchers who can contribute to the theme, and establishing collaborations. Furthermore, designing the shop windows and finally evaluating the exhibition/display and contributing to the content of the Showroom.