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Useful ICT innovations are continuously developed, improving the quality of life for many people. However, such solutions do not typically include people with severe dual vision and hearing impairments, which at times are also coupled with cognitive disability. Deafblindness is a grave condition. Though rare at birth, it can be acquired due to different causes. There are an estimated 2.5M deafblind persons in the EU. Limited communication is a major problem for this group; something that will be addressed by SUITCEYES in a novel way. Benefits are not limited to this group; rather the solution will scale to other areas.


Last updated: 2021-03-11

A study of Local Care Collaboration Södra Älvsborg

Local Care Collaboration Södra Älvsborg is a management structure at political and administrative level to promote collaboration at the operational level between municipalities and the county. Local Care Collaboration Södra Älvsborg is an effort to deal with boundary problems between different principals and their operational activities, which primarily affect the interaction between the municipality and the county within each area of local care collaboration.


Last updated: 2020-05-20