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Textile and wearable sensing for P-health

The group conducts multidisciplinary research on wearable sensing for biomedical applications targeting the development of novel p-health applications in the broad sense: personalized, predictive, preventive, precise or pervasive healthcare. The differentiating factor of the research group is clearly the catalysing element of such novel applications is textile element: material, sensors or garment. The research approach is holistic ranging from basic research in textile sensing materials through applied research in textile-electronic integration to translational research deploying p-health solutions in real world environments. Translation and innovation are critical aspects of the work performed at our research group, therefore not only functionality is a key requirement, but feasible manufacturing and sustainable business development are aspects included within the focus of our research group. As it is evident from the description above, the research work is not only multidisciplinary but actually cross-sectional by nature and hence the group utilises a variety of competences such as biomedical engineering, textile technology, textile manufacturing, material science, health and medical as well as garment and industrial design. All these parts are needed in order to help societal actors in realising sensorized garments. The research group exploits the specific competences available not only at the Swedish School of Textiles, but within the University of Borås Smart Textiles, Prehospen and MedTech West among others. We also engage in innovation-driven projects within the scope of the research described above.


Last updated: 2021-02-02