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Sustainable Fungal Textiles: A novel approach for reuse of food waste

There is huge demand after sustainable textiles. This is due to the shortage of cotton and the environmental concerns of petrochemical based textiles, e.g. release of micro-plastics in the production process and during washing. This project aims to create a sustainable strategy for re-using bread waste for production of a new generation of sustainable textiles as a replacement for cotton and synthetic textiles.


Last updated: 2023-09-18

Reading, traditions and negotiations: Reading activities in Swedish classrooms 1967-1969

This project is designed to create new insights into and a new understanding of the Swedish reading culture of the 20th century. Through the analysis of a unique historical collection of sound and video recordings of a large number of primary school lessons from the late 1960’s the project will create a strong platform from which to discuss change in the reading practices of children today.


Last updated: 2023-07-05