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10 hits found that matched the filter options

Durability and compostability of bio-based thermoset composites

Commercial composites are often made from non-renewable materials and are difficult to recycle. Biocomposites are instead made of renewable materials such as bioplastics and natural fibers. This has been studied very intensively at both companies and universities. The University of Borås has conducted extensive research in this area. Hard plastics have been developed from renewable materials and these have since been reinforced with various renewable fibers such as flax fibers, hemp fibers and cellulose fibers. Tests have shown that these materials have relatively good mechanical properties.


Last updated: 2020-05-20

Sustainable Fungal Textiles: A novel approach for reuse of food waste

There is huge demand after sustainable textiles. This is due to the shortage of cotton and the environmental concerns of petrochemical based textiles, e.g. release of micro-plastics in the production process and during washing. This project aims to create a sustainable strategy for re-using bread waste for production of a new generation of sustainable textiles as a replacement for cotton and synthetic textiles.


Last updated: 2023-09-18

Inclusive Internationalization, Fast Track for university teachers and researchers

Together with the University of Gothenburg, Chalmers University of Technology, University West and University of Skövde we are involved in a project for newcomers with a refugee background. The aim is to shorten the path to either finish a PhD-education or to a career within higher education. This is favourable for both the refugee participants and for Swedish universities, who can benefit from the high competence possessed by the participants.


Last updated: 2023-07-14