Digi Do: Projects Related to Radiotherapy and Breast Cancer

Digi Do

Together, we have developed a digital information tool (Digi-Do) based on VR technology to prepare breast cancer patients for radiotherapy. Digi-Do consists of two mobile applications: 

  1. A VR app, which enables a virtual tour of the radiotherapy clinic that normally cannot be visited before the start of treatment.
  2. A mobile application with questions and answers in digital form that can be read or listened to. With Digi-Do, patients can choose when and how often they want to access the information and easily share it with relatives in a calm and safe home environment by downloading both applications to their own mobile phones. This means that the person can choose what and when they want information, how they want to receive it (text, film, images, sound), and when they wish to have this information. We believe this approach can provide increased security and a sense of involvement for those affected, while also structuring the information provided by the staff, as everyone knows what is stated and said in the apps.

Research Leaders: Maria Brovall and Frida Smith, Regional Cancer Centre West and Chalmers.

Doctoral Project Part of the project is a doctoral project aimed at evaluating whether a digital information tool (Digi-Do) can increase the knowledge of women with breast cancer about their own health, their confidence in their own abilities, and support them in feeling prepared and secure before, during, and after planned radiotherapy. Doctoral student Annika Grynne, Jönköping University, is supervised by Maria Brovall (main supervisor) and Sofi Fristedt (co-supervisor), Jönköping Academy.

The title of the dissertation (planned defence in spring 2024) is: Perception of preparedness and support – studies on persons’ experience of using a digital information tool before, during, and after radiotherapy treatment.

Funders Digi Do has received verification funds from Chalmers Innovation Office, the Knut and Ragnvi Jacobsson Family Foundation, RCC West, and RCC Stockholm Gotland (for the production of three animated films about what radiotherapy is; what radiotherapy for breast cancer is, and physical activity during cancer illness and treatment). Doctoral student Annika Grynne has received funds from the Astrid Janzon Scholarship and the Skaraborg Institute.