Digital platforms and new food practices: food consumption in times of crisis

Digital platforms and new food practices: food consumption in times of crisis

Digital platforms have during recent times become an increasingly important part of our everyday consumption, and thus also of the ways we consume food. Food box schemes, web shops, sharing sites, apps, QR-codes and other technological resources have made it possible to carry out grocery shopping, and find recipes and inspiration in easy and flexible ways. In addition, these digital tools make it possible to digitally socialize around the food.

The corona crisis and changes in everyday life that social distancing has led to has made it necessary for consumer to find new ways to shop, cook, and eat food. Many of the new practices that have emerged are enabled by digital platforms which have under these conditions gained increasing importance.

This project sets out to study these new food practices and the role that digital tools have in enabling them. What new modes of shopping, cooking, and eating food have emerged? How do digital platforms enable and shape these practices? What consequences does this accelerated digitalization have for different types of consumers?

By answering these questions, this study aims to enhance our understanding of how digital platforms can contribute to create a more resilient and sustainable food consumption.

Project members are Christian Fuentes, project leader, University of Borås, Emma Samsioe and Josefine Östrup Backe, Lund university.