Innovation in biobased ski equipment manufacturing

Innovation in biobased ski equipment manufacturing

There is a great need regarding new biobased materials among skiers and outdoor hikers, and the project will develop new materials and manufacturing concepts based on flax fibres and biobased epoxy resins. In the project a ski pole and a pole for outdoor hiking will be developed, which meet the material specifications. The project will produce a large number of poles for practical application testing by skiers and hikers.

The project is financed by Vinnova, within the Bioinnovation all Hypothesis testing projects Step 2, fall 2022. The project duration is from November 1, 2022 to October 31,l 2024. The project is a continuation of a previous Step 1 hypothesis-testing project.

The project leader is RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, and project partners are Kang Sverige AB, Åre Skidfabrik samt 100 skis AB. University of Borås is responsible for the development of new textile reinforcements for the manufacturing of the poles, and will contribute with competence and knowledge regarding alternative biobased resins.