The patient’s first point of contact
Start date: 2023-01-01
End date: 2027-12-31
In these patient-nurse consultations, health problems are assessed. Priorities must be made and weighed against availability so that existing resources are used efficiently and where they are most needed. The patient's first point of contact and nurses' initial assessment can be decisive for the patient's care and health. An incorrect assessment can have devastating consequences.
There is a need for knowledge of basic principles for nurses' communication, assessments, and priorities. There is a need for knowledge that is important for implementation in education and training for nurses in order to contribute to quality care and patient safety. This project aims to investigate perspectives and practices when it comes to healthcare consultations between patients and nurses and the assessment of healthcare needs.
A multicentre study will therefore be conducted. Patient-reported data, interviews, and observations of communication and assessment in care encounters between patients and nurses in primary care will be collected and analysed.
Project Leader
Annelie Sundler
033-435 4744