Library and information science

Library and Information Science

About our research

This research area deals figuratively with the sense-making of information and in a concrete way with how it may be organized, made searchable, accessible and mediated through different techniques and information services. The research emphasizes conditions and methods for individuals and organizations to get hold of desired/relevant information for different activities, education, training and experiences.

Library and information science focuses as well on library and information services as on how individuals or organizations search, use and get access to information. Conditions are studied as well on micro as macro level and include aspects of cultural policy and/or informational policy.

There are three research groups at the department:

The area Library and Information Science in Borås is the largest within its discipline in Sweden, with 6 professors, 20 senior lecturers and more than 10 lecturers. At present, there are almost 20 doctoral candidates in our research programme.

Our research is organized in three groups striving for the highest standards in research in a range of exciting areas. The PhD programme, which is also the most comprehensive in Sweden within the discipline, is closely related both to the undergraduate programmes as well as to the school’s research groups. Both researchers and doctoral students participate in networks and international conferences and work in cooperation with external partners in the relevant professions.

Library and information science

Library and information science takes its departure point in issues concerning information and/or culture that is stored in some form of document. Within the discipline processes are studied which, depending on objectives and content, can be described as information provision or the mediation of culture and includes the study of libraries and other institutions with similar functions that participate in these processes. The discipline is related to a range of other disciplines within the social sciences, humanities as well as technology. (Swedish Research Council’s subject description, 1989).

Doctoral education

The doctoral programme in Library and Information Science is the largest and oldest in the area in Sweden. ReSource is a doctoral school funded by the Swedish Research Council (2023-2026).
More information about the doctoral programme and the research school Resource. 

embedded movie about research in library and information science



Björn Hammarfelt, Research Area Representative for the research area of Library and Information Science
Find contact information to research groups, centres and specific researchers in the lists below. 

Publications from DiVA (peer reviewed)

Research groups


Ongoing projects

Concluded projects

Researchers/University employees


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