Knowledge infrastructures
The group is firmly anchored in traditional library and information science (LIS) domains such as knowledge organisation, library management, document studies, information retrieval, scholarly communication and bibliometrics. Yet, our current research agenda involves a broader array of issues relating to current and rapid transformation in how information and documents are produced, labelled, sorted, converted, transformed and disseminated. Traditional approaches such as bibliography, classification and indexing are here supplemented by text mining, large-scale visualisation tools, machine learning, distant reading and evolving semantics. Several projects in this area are linked to and associated with the methodological and critical perspectives found in the field of digital humanities and media studies.
Current projects focus on the transformation from books to e-books and audio books, as well as the on-going digitisation of cultural heritage collections. Ongoing research also investigates changes in the distribution and dissemination of information in the realm of scholarly communication. Researchers in the KIR group have a long-standing interest in how these transformations affect knowledge production. The rapid route towards an open science system is studied with particular attention, with researchers focusing on technical, economical and social consequences of this paradigmatic shift.
Research group leader
Julia Pennlert
Senior Lecturer
033-435 4224