Mathematics Seminar

The seminar will be held on-site. If you would like to receive information via email, please contact the organisers: Nancy Abdallah or Jens Wittsten.


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Some mathematical structures of Feynman integrals

Date: 23 October, 2024
Time: 15:30-16:30
Location: D209 
Speaker: Felix Tellander, Oxford University    

Abstract: The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) in Geneva is the biggest physics experiment ever build on earth and is made to study the most fundamental aspects of reality by colliding protons near the speed of light. Zooming out to outside our own galaxy, many light years away, black holes collide in some of the most energetic processes in the entire universe sending waves through space-time itself. What does these seemingly different processes have in common? They can be described using Feynman integrals.

These integrals are not only of physical interest but have many non-trivial mathematical properties and serve as a connective tissue between many different areas of mathematics. In this talk, I will introduce these integrals from a physical perspective, give their mathematical definition and highlight some recent results from analysis, algebra, and numerics.