Ann Vellesalu
Research Assistant Doctoral Student
Faculty of Textiles, Engineering and Business (including The Swedish School of Textiles)
— Department of Business Administration and Textile Management
I work as a doctoral student in the Department of Business Administration and Textile Management since March 2020. The aim of my research project is to develop practitioner-oriented knowledge through research, by identifying opportunities and barriers for servitization of the apparel industry, more specifically for apparel manufacturers. My work focuses on understanding how servitization affects the interorganisational dynamics of activities and resources between the focal organisations and other actors in the industrial network.
In my previous work as a research assistant at the University of Borås I have focused on topics such as competitive local manufacturing, digital skills in the textile and fashion industry, sustainability and circular business models and strategies. The topics have been of interest within the projects Re:textile, Digimode, Competitive Local Manufacturing and Education4Fashion-Tech. Currently I am involved with the project Conditional Design (CONDE) with Science Park Borås, where the aim is to link circular design principles to circular business models. This will be achieved by applying the circular design principles to the products of participating companies, in which the economic and environmental feasibility will be assessed to form a basis for evaluation for management, in order to create an interest in investing in circular products and business models.
Principal Supervisor
Assistant Supervisor
Nicklas Salomonson
033-435 4479

Olga Chkanikova
Senior Lecturer
033-435 4058