Junchun Yu
Docent Senior Lecturer
Faculty of Textiles, Engineering and Business (including The Swedish School of Textiles)
— Department of Textile Technology
Program coordinator
— Master Programme (Two Years) in Textile Engineering
I work as a senior lecturer within the field of textile technology where I focus on developing innovations in digital ink-jet printing for dyeing and functionalization of textiles. My research projects contribute to the development of resource efficient textile processes together with the textile industry partners.
I have worked at the University of Borås since 2014 and started as post-doc. Before that, I studied polymer and polymer based carbon nanocomposites at Umeå University.
Principal Supervisor for the following doctoral students
Sanabel Abdulbawab
033-435 4018
Assistant Supervisor for the following doctoral students
Researcher's publications in DiVA (Digitala Vetenskapliga Arkivet)
Doctoral thesis title
Studies of novel phases and states produced by means of high pressure: Polymer and polymer based carbon nanocomposites (2011)