Katarina Karlsson
Docent Senior Lecturer Dean of Faculty
Faculty of Caring Science, Work Life and Social Welfare
I am an Associate Professor and Senior Lecturer in Caring Sciences, working as Dean of faculty and researcher at the University of Borås, Faculty of Caring Sciences, Work Life and Social Welfare. I am a registered nurse with two specializations: Specialist Nursing - Paediatric Care and Specialist Nursing - Primary Health Care. My professional experience includes working in obstetric care, gynecological care, and pediatric healthcare.
My research focuses on the area of "The Human in Care" within the field of caring science, where the perspective of the child as well as the adult's perspective on the child experiences are of central importance. My specialization in paediatrics addresses young children's fear, pain, and pain relief, particularly in relation to procedural interventions. I defended my dissertation in December 2015 at Jönköping University with the titled, "I´m afraid, I want my mommy": Younger children's, parents', and nurses' lived experiences of needle procedures in health care."
My research primarily involves caring science, focusing on existential care issues from the patient's perspective, children's and adolescents' experiences of various medical interventions and procedures, their participation in care, augmentative and alternative communication, therapeutic conversations, and children's and adolescents' rights in healthcare.
Through my research, I have established a broad international network, participating as a researcher in two ongoing international research projects. One project aims to develop a common international standard for children's rights in healthcare, titled "International collaborative standards to support paediatric patients during clinical procedures, reducing harm and establishing trust (iSupport)." The other project develops digital support to enable children and adolescents to initiate and communicate their own symptom experiences in healthcare interactions, titled "Pictorial support for person-centred care for children (PicPecc)."
Links to the projects:
PicPecc – Pictorial support in person-centred care for children | Göteborgs universitet (gu.se)
- Director of Studies at the Academy of Care, Work, and Welfare (concluded)
- Section Head at the Academy of Care, Work, and Welfare (concluded)
- Head of Department at the Academy of Care, Work, and Welfare (concluded)
- Member of the Review Committee (concluded)
- Member of the Regional Healthcare Competence Council (RGS) (concluded)
- Board Member of the Swedish Society of Pediatric Nurses (RfB) responsible for research and development issues, Vice Chairperson in 2017 (concluded 2023)
- Member of the Nomination Committee for the Swedish Society of Pediatric Nurses RfB)
Assistant Supervisor for the following doctoral students
Researcher's publications in DiVA (Digitala Vetenskapliga Arkivet)
Doctoral thesis title
"I´m afraid, I want my mommy": Younger children's, parents', and nurses' lived experiences of needle procedures in health care."