Marita Flisbäck
Faculty of Caring Science, Work Life and Social Welfare
— Department of Work Life and Social Welfare
I am a Professor of Sociology at the University of Borås and Director of the research centre: Centre for Welfare Studies. I obtained my doctorate in Sociology at the University of Gothenburg in 2006. In my doctoral thesis "Learning the rules of art. A sociological study of uncertain future investments.” I analyse artistic career paths from a class and gender perspective.
My main research areas are the working life of the arts and culture sector, cultural entrepreneurship, recognition and the meaning of work in low status occupations, as well as an extended working life with a focus on the existential meaning of work in relation to retirement and aging. Often, my research analyses are based on feminist perspectives, cultural sociological class perspectives, and an existential sociological perspective.
Currently, I am working on the project “Ideals and practices of gender equality among parents in blue and white collar jobs. The role of Swedish parental insurance,” directed by PhD Sofia Björk (University of Gothenburg) and funded by the Swedish Research Council for Health, Working Life and Welfare (Forte). In the project, we examine from a class perspective how the Swedish parental insurance system and the Swedish gender equality policy corresponds to parents' attempts to create an equal and fair everyday life. Why is parental insurance used differently among blue and white collar occupations and how is this related to definitions of equality and fairness that are developed over time in parental life?
Together with Lecturer Margareta Carlén, I am working on the project "Hybrid organisations as a tool for sustainable development at the country side," a pilot study funded by the Centre for Welfare Studies (CVS), led by me. Here, we examine driving existential forces to develop an economically, socially and ecologically sustainable alternative rural space, where circular economy, self-sufficiency, and work-critical attitudes prevail. The concrete example is Uddebo, in Tranemo municipality. Recently, I also participated in the research project “Activation strategies in Swedish welfare policy 1990-2015” led by Associate Professor Mattias Bengtsson (University of Gothenburg) and funded by the Swedish Research Council (VR).