Martin Bohlén Research Advisor Leadership — Grants and Innovation Office Telephone: 033-435 4815 Email: Room number: T3022 Signature: MABO Researcher's publications in DiVA (Digitala Vetenskapliga Arkivet) Latest publications Expand Latest publications Svensson, S., Åkesson, D., Bohlén, M., Reprocessing of High-Density Polyethylene Reinforced with Carbon Nanotubes 2020 Article in journal Erdtman, E., Bohlén, M., Ahlström, P., Gkourmpis, T., Berlin, M., Andersson, T., Bolton, K., A molecular-level computational study of the diffusion and solubility of water and oxygen in carbonaceous polyethylene nanocomposites 2016 Article in journal Bazooyar, F., Bohlén, M., Bolton, K., Computational Studies of Water and Carbon Dioxide Interactions with Cellobiose 2015 Article in journal Bohlén, M., Bolton, K., Inducing the piezoelectric β-phase of PVDF 2014 Conference paper Erdtman, E., Bohlén, M., Ahlström, P., Gkourmpis, T., Berlin, M., Andersson, T., Bolton Kim, K., Permeation of water and oxygen through carbonaceous PE composites 2014 Conference paper Concluded projects Expand Concluded projects BiosÅrt - Sorting of bioplastics from the recycling stream Start date: 2017-09-01 — End date: 2018-06-30 Funder: ÅForsk