Maria Giovinazzo Brovall
Faculty of Caring Science, Work Life and Social Welfare
— Department of Caring Science
Program coordinator
— Masterprogram i vårdvetenskap
I am a Professor of Nursing Science and a Senior Lecturer at the Faculty of Caring Science, Work Life and Social Welfare since August 2023. I previously held a position as an Associate Professor in Nursing at Jönköping University. I have an extensive background as a nurse in oncology care and end-of-life care, which is very close to my heart. My research areas primarily include symptoms and symptom management, health-related quality of life, health literacy, person-centred care, palliative care and end-of-life care, AI support for students in existential conversations in palliative care, as well as health and digitalisation.
I am the research leader for various projects on palliative care and health innovations and digitalisation projects. All projects are conducted in co-production with the involved target groups:
- Thinking and Linking, ELC (End-of-life care): a digital learning game (serious game) for nursing students.
- Digi Do: an innovative information tool (VR and mobile application) to support women undergoing radiotherapy for breast cancer.
- DIBH-App: training the correct deep breathing technique at home before upcoming radiotherapy for left-sided breast cancer, using digital technology.
- Read more about DIBH-App
- Research group leader for the PRaCSc-group (Palliative Research Advanced Caring Science-group). This is a cross-professional, national project group with researchers from various parts of Sweden, who have worked and published together since 2009. The group has worked on issues related to end-of-life care and palliative care with a consistent interest in educational aspects.
- Regular member of the Research Education Committee (FUU) at the University of Borås.
- Education coordinator focusing on scientific theory and method, as well as thesis work.
Supervisor for external doctoral students
- Annika Grynne, Jönköping University