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10 hits found that matched the filter options

Waste2Taste - pilot study

This project is about food wastes to fungal products such as animal feed, human food, ethanol etc. The aim of this project is to identify several companies in the region of West Sweden that owns a waste stream suitable for fungi production, want to apply fungus in their process, or have an interest in fungus products such as ethanol, feed or pigment. These companies together with University of Borås and other reseach Institutes and Universities will make a consortium to develop fungal-based biorefineries in the region for developing value-added products from wastes.


Last updated: 2023-09-13

SusTexEdu - Nordic and Baltic Educational Roadmap for sustainability in the Textile and Clothing Sector

The SusTexEdu project investigates in the Nordic and Baltic countries the higher education of textile materials, responsibility and circular economy and how the education answers to the requirements of sustainable development in working life and the EU's carbon neutrality goals. In the project workshops held in each participating country, experts, teachers, students and working life representatives discuss, network and analyze the education.


Last updated: 2021-09-29