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10 hits found that matched the filter options

Note-taking techniques

Note-taking during lectures and when reading course literature is something many would say must or ought to be done. We are used to using paper and pencils or similar electronic equipment during meetings and lectures; it feels like an essential element. But how often do we think about how we note down and how we use the laboriously printed words later? Probably not so often. A thoughtful use of note-taking can serve as a good basis for studying the material you need to learn before an exam or similar.


Last updated: 2023-05-05

Packaging in a circular economy

This study is a part of the studies that the research group, Resource Management, is doing at the Centre of Resource Recovery at the University of Borås. This research group has pioneer research to investigate the links between users and the technical system in the waste management field. From a circular economy and sustainable development perspective, the most important parameter is how to involve the user to a technical system such as a waste management system in order to get the most effective results.


Last updated: 2023-09-13