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10 hits found that matched the filter options

The 2021 Annual Report is out – and shows a strong and attractive university

What happened at the University of Borås in 2021? We had a large number of applicants in relation to the number of spots available; the students were satisfied; and the volume of education increased. In addition, the university collaborated with over 300 companies. Want to know more exciting facts about the university's development last year? The 2021 Annual Report is now printed and complete.


Last updated: 2022-03-10

AI to give ambulance personnel better decision support

A Swedish-Norwegian project is developing a new form of decision support for prehospital care based on artificial intelligence (AI). In the project, doctoral student Anna Bakidou is to develop algorithms based on machine learning. The decision support she develops is meant for the care of patients who have suffered trauma, for example in a traffic accident or a fall in the home. She spoke about the possibilities and challenges of her research.


Last updated: 2023-11-21

Sustainable leather, yarn and paper — from bread-eating fungi

Your next trendy handbag could be fashioned from “leather” made from a fungus. On 23 March, researchers will describe how they have harnessed this organism to convert food waste into sustainable faux leather, as well as paper products and cotton substitutes, with properties comparable to the traditional materials. They explain that this fungal leather takes less time to produce than existing substitutes already on the market, and, unlike some, is 100% biobased.


Last updated: 2023-09-14