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10 hits found that matched the filter options

Period poverty in focus on international awareness day

Access to products for menstrual hygiene management is an issue of dignity and health – and is a luxury that up to one billion women lack. On the other hand, disposable pads made from plastic contribute one per cent of the world's household waste. On Menstrual Hygiene Day, an international awareness day, the University of Borås is holding a theme day to discuss period poverty together with researchers and representatives from business, industry, and the non-profit sector.


Last updated: 2024-05-30

High number of applicants to the university’s programmes and courses

For those who applying to the autumn term, the application deadline was last month and the results are now in. The statistics show that 24,500 hopeful students applied to a programme or a course at the University of Borås. This is only a slight decrease of 1.8 per cent compared with last year, and this is in comparison to Sweden at large, where this year's applications were down, on average, by 10 per cent.


Last updated: 2023-11-27