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10 hits found that matched the filter options

Change to distance learning led to challenges in regards to exams

During weeks 1–3, the university had planned to implement many written examinations on campus. But just before Christmas, the authorities further tightened the restrictions, and the Vice-Chancellor decided that the university would go to level yellow. This meant that only those exams which had been granted exemptions could be carried out on campus and many of the written exams planned to be held on campus had to be carried out in other forms.


Last updated: 2021-02-22

Science Park Borås now partner in New European Bauhaus – for a sustainable society

The initiative known as New European Bauhaus is intended to create conditions for EU citizens to jointly create the sustainable and inclusive society of the future. Social actors have been invited to form a shared creative process that will drive development forward. Science Park Borås has now been selected as a partner in this work, where innovation and co-creation are in focus.


Last updated: 2021-06-10