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10 hits found that matched the filter options

Study and work environment in focus for Safety Representatives

The university’s work and study environments are of greatest importance. Those who monitor them are the university’s Safety Representatives. And the students have their own such representative. The date 27 October is dedicated to Safety Representatives. Vera Thallinger represents the university’s students as Vice Chair and Chief Student Safety Representative for the Student Union of Borås. She explains more about the Safety Representatives’ important work.


Last updated: 2021-10-25

New goals in place for sustainable development, internationalisation, and external engagement

In November, the Vice-Chancellor formally decided to adopt university-wide goals related to external engagement, sustainable development, and internationalisation for 2022-2025. These are important dimensions of the university's ability to maintain high quality in our educational programmes and research. They will now be more clearly incorporated into the university's processes for operational management and follow-up.


Last updated: 2021-12-14