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Quality Assurance Manual for Education now available on the employee website

On the employee website, a Quality Assurance Manual for Education is now available. Its purpose is to summarise and easily describe quality assurance procedures for educational programmes in practical terms. It is primarily for those employees who have educational responsibility and teachers, but is also aimed at those who are interested in knowing more about the university's quality assurance procedures.


Last updated: 2022-02-28

Eliminating textile waste requires new ways of thinking

A lot of material is wasted when clothes are produced; reducing this waste requires new ways of thinking. “The system was built up during a time when we thought that the earth's resources were unlimited, which we now know is not true. My model and experimental three-dimensional designs aim to get designers and the industry to move away from the current system,” said Holly McQuillan, who recently defended her doctoral thesis in textile design at the Swedish School of Textiles.


Last updated: 2024-06-20

She explores body movement as a material in design processes

When it comes to design, we usually focus on the clothes we wear to enable different kinds of movement. Significant potential still exists when it comes to exploring how the body and movements interact with other materials and how this creates different design expressions. This is according to Linnea Bågander, who recently defended her doctoral thesis in the field of Textiles and Fashion at the Swedish School of Textiles.


Last updated: 2023-04-21