23 December
This is one of the annual additional days off for technical/administrative employees. Some offices within Professional Support have different opening hours or limited service this day. Read more ...
Jump to main content23 December
This is one of the annual additional days off for technical/administrative employees. Some offices within Professional Support have different opening hours or limited service this day. Read more ...
9 January
The doctoral student Katarina Lindström will give notification of the date of her upcoming doctoral thesis defence in a “spikning” event, or the posting of a doctoral thesis, which is a traditional event in ...
10 January
The doctoral student Naeimeh Vali will give notification of the date of her upcoming doctoral thesis defence in a “spikning” event, or the posting of a doctoral thesis, which is a traditional event in Swedish ...
21 January
Just Write! is a mini writing retreat open to all researchers at the university. Do you need to write something? Sometimes it helps to set aside some time, spend time in an environment with other writers, or be able to discuss your text ...
25 January
Experience our unique environments on site – go on a guided tour, mingle with students and teachers, and listen to a panel discussion. In addition, we will fill our premises with textile and fashion-related ...
30 January
Welcome to Katarina Lindström Ramamoorthy's public defence of thesis within Textile Material Technology with the title: Mechanical Recycling of Textiles / Identifying Factors Impacting Fibre Quality Link ...
31 January
The university's committees and research education committees annually carry out an exchange of experiences with various themes related to quality in education at doctoral ...
31 January
You are welcome to take part when Naeimeh Vali defends her doctoral thesis within Resource Recovery with the title: Engineering Biochar from Municipal Sewage Sludge- Experimental and Theoretical Study Link to the doctoral ...
6 February
Welcome to this midway seminar with the title Community-Oriented Praxis in Teacher Education! Link to Zoom: https://hb-se.zoom.us/j/69508239256