System issue - Wireless network (WiFi) 23 september

We have recently experienced interference and/or performance issues with our WiFi during certain times of the day. This due to a increased amount of usage of wireless network.

To deal with the problems, we have replaced the firewall that handles the traffic in the network, which made it slightly better, but we have a number of measures left that will be implemented as soon as possible.

We have also been working on a planned exchange of access points to a newer model which, among other things, handles many clients in a better way. However, this exchange is unfortunately delayed by the global component shortage. Access points that we ordered at the beginning of the year are scheduled to be delivered only in December.

If you experience problems, a good solution seems to be to turn off the wireless network in the computer and then turn it on again after a little while. Also consider using a fixed connection when you are in your office, which is more stable and faster and reduces the load on the wireless network.