Gender mainstreaming

The Swedish government has given higher education institutions the task of working with gender mainstreaming and thereby contributing to achieving the gender equality policy goals. The task involves identifying gender equality problems where the higher education institutions can contribute to a solution.

Higher education institutions must also report on how gender equality is considered in the allocation of research funding for the years 2023–2025 and describe how the focus relates to the gender equality policy sub-goals.

  • An equal distribution of power and influence
  • Economic equality
  • Equal education
  • Equal distribution of unpaid home and care work
  • Equal health
  • Men's violence against women must end
    (Government Offices of Sweden 2016)

In its work on gender mainstreaming, the University of Borås has identified two areas where there is a problem of gender inequality. These are:

  • equal opportunities for career paths
    There should be the same opportunities for everyone, regardless of gender, to gain qualifications. The occupational groups must be equal.
  • gendered study choices
    Students should encounter an environment where everyone is treated and assessed equally based on interest and knowledge and not on norms around gender. In their educational programmes, students should gain knowledge about and the opportunity to discuss and problematise gender and gender issues in order to work for a more sustainable society.

The university will work towards these directions during the period 2023–2025.

Read more

Read more about the processes that govern the university's work with gender mainstreaming.

The Registrar's Office contains documentation of the complete background and choices for the work on gender mainstreaming, Reg. no.692-22.