Administration, advice, and support

It is essential to prevent discrimination and harassment from occurring and therefore it is best to conduct ongoing work environment efforts at the Faculty/unit level. Everyone who works and studies at the University of Borås must be aware of the laws that require preventive and active measures against discrimination. Both employees and students should be treated in a correct and respectful manner.

The University of Borås recommends that cases be investigated and dealt with where misconduct has arisen, as far as possible. The main aim is to bring the offending behaviour to an end as soon as possible. If an employee feels that they have been discriminated against, harassed, or abused, they should primarily turn to their immediate manager or someone else in whom they have confidence. It is also possible to contact the Director of HR, occupational health care, the chief safety representative, a safety representative, or the Coordinator for Equal Opportunities. Review the university's routine for cases of suspected discrimination, harassment, abusive discrimination, and negative impact on the study environment.

Routine in case of suspected discrimination, harassment, abusive discrimination, and negative impact on the study environment (PDF) (Swedish only)

If you wish to submit a formal notification, you can do this by sending an email to the Director of HR or any of the other positions mentioned above. You can also use the PDF form in the Forms Archive.

Forms Archive

The notification form in the Forms Archive is to be printed and submitted to the university or saved in your computer and then attached in an email. The form is sent to the university's Director of HR. Contact information can be found on the university's website under Contact.

Notification to the Discrimination Ombudsman

It is also possible for both students and employees to contact the Discrimination Ombudsman - DO, with a notification.  In such cases, the university will be given the opportunity to comment on the notification and provide its views on the matter.

Discrimination Ombudsman (DO), Box 3686, 103 59 Stockholm
Visit: Torsgatan 11 Stockholm, Email, Telephone switchboard: 08-120 20 700, Fax 08-120 20 800

Trade unions

As an employee, you can also contact your trade union for advice and support. The union's role in discrimination disputes is to represent its members. If a job seeker or employee is a member of a trade union, the trade union organisation has the right to assist its member. You can reach the trade unions via the university switchboard at + 46 (0)33-435 40 00.

Occupational health care

Occupational health care is to use preventive measures to ensure that employees do not risk ill health or accidents at the workplace. They also provide rehabilitative measures to avoid long-term sick leave as well as provide crisis management support and participate in training opportunities.

The Student Union

As a student, you can turn to the Student Union for advice and support in contact with the university. Contact information for the Student Union in Borås via telephone is +46 (0)33-435 48 00. The visiting address is Allégatan 2, Borås. Email  or

Student Health Care

If you are studying at the University of Borås, you have access to services at Student Health Care.