How to book an exam in Inspera
- In order to book the exam in KronoX, you/KronoX bookers need to add the signature TENINSP (plus TEN and their own signature), in order for Examinations to be able to search for an exam to be conducted in Inspera. Specify whether the exam should be given as a written examination on campus or remotely.
- Write in the comments field in KronoX if the exam should be given on the students' own computers (BYOD) or the fixed computers in the computer room. Please note that the number of places for digital exams is limited.
- Answer the questions in the document, Inspera ordering of a digital exam, and email it as early as possible, but no later than 5 working days before the exam date. Please note that it is important to include all information in order for the settings to be correct in Inspera. Fill in and email the document Order form for Inspera. Email the document to
Use the following template as cover page for the Inspera exam
You enter this yourself during the creation of the Task Group in Inspera.
Inspera Cover page (information page).docx
Please note that it is the responsibility of the teacher to ensure that examination scores are visible in Ladok. Manual on examination scores (pdf)