Information to give student group/new students

You need to inform the students if the exam in Inspera will be given on campus or remotely and whether they should bring their own computer or book a loaner computer if they do not have their own laptop.

If the exam is to be given in a room with desktop computers, these computers all have Safe Exam Browser (SEB). 

Please note that you must plan well in advance in order to book the computer halls at the university. Check in with

If the examination is carried out with BYOD (Bring Your Own Device), i.e. the students have their own computer, it is important that they have also prepared it for the digital exam in Inspera by downloading the locked browser, Safe Exam Browser (SEB). This means that the students cannot access anything but the exam itself on their computer during the writing time. The locked browser is only used for exams held on campus, not for take-home exams.  

Questions from students can be sent to